Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Resiliency of a Woman's Soul

For almost a half of a century I have belonged to a particular group. In my opinion (and I  believe God wholeheartedly agrees with me), a very special group
...a set apart group....  a God created group.

A profoundly hated group.

Within the most recent of years, my eyes have been opened.... painfully so, never to shut again, through my story and the many stories of others who belong to this group.... to just how vehemently hated we are.

Perhaps it is at the intersection of my giftings and the pain I see most clear; for understand, the hatred towards this group is nothing new.

Long I have known of the hatred, both personal and otherwise, but as of late, individual story after individual story floods my awareness.... and a force equal to,
NO - exceeding said hatred, arises within.

"ENOUGH," He declares.

Silence, resolution, peace, resolve follow.

Allow me to explain.

The level of assault globally upon women stays in the (comfortable) outer awareness of most people, until it comes home.  And it ALWAYS comes home.

If you are among women, you know this to be true. Be it physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually, we are accosted without mercy, relentlessly so.  We are vehemently hated, and the mission is simple: render us debilitated.

The attacks can come from outsiders, but the most vicious attacks often come from the human vehicles closest to her.

As I said, there is nothing new under the sun. A simple glance into human history leaves even the strongest stomachs sickened.

Ever since our creation our degradation and destruction has been aggressively sought at the hands of human pawns. BUT the heart of this writing is not to highlight Satan, his cronies, nor their intentions, but rather the wondrous...and I do mean WONDROUS .... resiliency of a woman's soul.

Too many times throughout my personal history to truly number I have found myself wondering if I would pull through yet another attack.  In my early adult years, I recollect crawling into bed whispering to my Father, "If You want to take me home tonight, I would welcome that" -- only to have my eyes open in the morning, declaring to Him, "Well, I'm still here; let's do this thing!"

I smile now with Him at the resiliency He has built within me through the YEARS.

I have seen it time and again in many a sister-in-Christ.

Women in Christ do not quit....  
Women in Christ do not retreat....

The resiliency of  a woman's soul is NOT found apart from Him.  It simply isn't.
HE is Vision to those who seek and seek and seek yet again.

But greater still....

HE is Victory to those who rise and rise and rise yet again.


Understand: I am not talking about circumstantial victories. To be frank, I have found those to be the lesser victories.  I am talking about the paramount core victory.... the victory deep within a woman's soul.... an unshakable victory ... the identity victory.

Song of Solomon 6:3 declares: 
"I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine."

The enemy's numerous attacks upon my life have yielded a force to be reckoned with because through it all my vision and my giftings became crystal clear because my identity became crystal clear.  

THIS is the power we have through Christ.

We do not quit....because He does not quit.
We do not retreat....because He does not retreat.

I had an appointed conversation with someone earlier this year where I declared, from deep within my soul:
"I KNOW who I am in Christ, and I am going with Him." 

Dear  sisters-in-Christ, take whatever is going on in your life right now to God. Petition Him for greater vision, greater understanding that exceeds ...that goes beyond... life's circumstances.  Know your enemy is not human form. This is a tough one because often those we hoped would love us well are duped into hurling the sharpest of arrows, but again... look past the human vehicles... and take deadly aim at your one true enemy... the one who seeks to use life's circumstances to debilitate you. Allow God to rise up bring confidence... to bring wisdom... to bring His supreme power to bear; He will -- I am nothing special that He would not do for you what He has done for me, as He declares, "Enough!"   

Glory!  I recall the first time I heard Him make such the decree.... blissful silence ensued.

I'm so very thankful God reigns supreme.
I am indeed my beloved's, and my beloved is mine! 

Celebrating the wondrous resiliency 
of a woman's soul because


If you do not know Jesus Christ as Savior AND Lord, 
I pray you come to a saving knowledge of Him
and began a new way of walking today! 
A resilient walk... a victorious walk... in Him!


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