Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve Edification

2012 has been a tremendous year for the Kirby family. We celebrate what the year held. It forever changed us for the better. If I may humbly yet boldly proclaim, we passed our tests together!

I cannot recall a past New Year's Eve where I felt such a sense of supernatural JOY, residing deep down and bubbling up to overflow, that is both grateful at its root and expectant throughout its branches. I love and serve a mighty and purposed GOD!

I say, "Thank you, God, for 2012. You have brought me riches untold and my heart searches for a way to express my gratitude to You. I cannot wait to see You fulfill Your words over us for 2013. It is going to be the most fabulous, exciting, joyous journey to date! To You be ALL the glory, honor, and power! Here's to 2013! Let's do this thing!"

To my friends - I do hope you all take a moment today to be still... to completely "swallow" 2012... acknowledging all the "flavors" it brought to you... and then sit a spell with God.... listen for His revelation to you of YOUR 2013.

It was recently said that man relates to God through resolution -- God relates to man, however, through revelation.... when the two are combined it gives birth to revolution (defined as "a radical, sudden, complete change)!

Resolution without God's revelation is HOLLOW and MEANINGLESS. That's why so many New Year's resolutions come and go without fulfillment... because they haven't been sanctioned and released by God's revelation.

Take the TIME to apprehend God's revelation on your resolutions -- only then will you gain the revolution you truly desire!

MUCH love to you all!
Deborah and Brian

Monday, December 24, 2012

Wondrously Grateful

This morning, as it is still dark outside, I sit by the fire, hot coffee in hand, reading the only Book that truly matters in life and joyously conversing with the One who steadfastly calls out to my heart, "Beat!"

Six months from now, by this point in the morning, I will have sat on my hill. Having watched the sun rise, feeling its warmth, and hearing His voice, I'll embrace the wondrous day granted to me as a gift to be cherished and explored.

Seasons. Both the natural seasons and the spiritual seasons work their differing effects on us, but God's wondrous presence in my life is the everlasting constant I hold most dear.

Wondrously grateful that some 2000 years ago..... JESUS CAME! He came for me.... and He came for you.

Do you know HIM this Christmas? Oh, how I pray you do. ♥

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry CHRISTmas!

May you and yours have a most blessed CHRISTmas! Those of us here at JITM pray most sincerely that you look to God afresh this season, embracing so great a love as His. There is none more worthy to be celebrated than Him!

Merry CHRISTmas! With our love! ♥

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

'Tis the season!

This morning I walked into the quiet of the kitchen, turned on the light, and exhaled.

God is about His business of wrapping up 2012 at an accelerated rate for us. From the more significant to the less significant, He is dotting the "i" and crossing the "t" and putting a period at the end of every sentence. As the saying goes, "It's a wrap"...well, almost!

The coffee maker was filled -- the French toast was made.
I sat at the breakfast table absorbing the quiet.  Shortly, my husband walked up behind... gave a hug and a kiss... and sat down.  Quiet reflection of the season past and the season to come was caught in between our eyes.

Journeying with God calls forth a challenge to our humanity.  It is an addiction unlike any other.  Follow long enough and there is no point of return to be found. It will tear the flesh to pieces as it gives way to the spirit, soaring to greater and greater heights.  The wings beat, the heart pounds. It is a habitat flight unlike any other; not meant to be a one time flight -- a "rush" as they say.  No!  Such flight is to be a habitat, a sphere of air in which to reside.  It is arduous, extreme, demanding, life-taking, life-giving.

Steam from our coffee wafted up into the air.
The sun began to light the day. 
My husband and I smiled together,
no words were needed.

Two hearts.... one beat.
Two pairs of wings powered by harmony,
greater heights in our sights.

To take such a habitat requires everything possessed and more; yielding ever increasing degrees of light, fresh air, wholeness, and life than ever thought possible.

To NOT take it  robs everything possessed and more;  yielding diminished light, suffocating air, brokenness, and ultimately -- death.

Last week we were all reminded how suddenly life can forever change.

My exhortation to you today is do not put off tomorrow what could --- what should -- be done today.

I have been writing a good bit in recent months about diligence and stewardship -- basic principles that MUST be deeply rooted  in BOTH thought and action before one can expect increase.   As an author once wrote, would you entrust your child with two more dollars if he lost the one dollar you gave him initially?  No! God will not increase until He sees that you can properly handle what He has already given.

Too often we float through our days with a subconscious thought, "I have tomorrow."  But what if tomorrow never comes, at least here on this planet we call Earth?

Those who have followed me for any length of time know what a proponent I am to righteous sowing - not only for your generation, but the one to follow.  If you want a harvest, you have to work the field... you have to sow the seeds God has given.  Any farmer knows that if you plant one seed, it returns both  fruit and a multiplication of seeds.  Take the multiplication of seeds and plant those -- and they too return a greater  multiplication of seeds.  But if you never plant the "starter seeds," you'll not receive the fruit NOR the multiplication of seeds.

Don't wait another day, dear ones, to plant the seed(s) God has entrusted to you! And once planted, sprouted, and harvested.... make sure to sow the seeds of increase.  It's a divinely orchestrated pattern destined to leave a powerful mark on this planet!  All it requires is our faithfulness to sow.

It is written, "I, the Lord, am its keeper; I water it every moment. So that no one will damage it, I guard it night and day." Isa 27:3

GIVE God something to water, something to guard.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Nourishment Distribution

I'll be sharing with a great group of people this evening. It always brings me so much joy to share with others what God has so freely and generously taught me through the years.

I am ever mindful of how Jesus blessed the fish and loaves and THEN put them into the hands of His disciples to distribute. He didn't REQUIRE a wait staff, but CHOSE to use them.

His disciples had to do something, however, before they could participate in the distribution. Know what that was? They had to GO to HIM. We can't give something we haven't received!

I'm so glad He did it the way He did! And because He did it just the way He did, His disciples received JOY at being a blessing to others. They received AWE in witnessing their Lord in action. And they received their OWN nourishment even as they handed nourishment out to others.

Remember to go to Him today -- receive YOUR nourishment --- and then look for opportunities to DISTRIBUTE the divine multiplication of that nourishment to others!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Past, Present, and Future....

A glance back once in a while is necessary because it causes us to inspect our growth. It is the fixed-stares aimed backwards that we must guard against!

Stagnation birthed from either weariness or complacency is one of the largest enemi
es to spiritual growth. When we give in to it, the natural tendency is to look anywhere but forward.

Perhaps your past season was better than your today season, so much so, that you can't imagine anything better up ahead. Or perhaps the past was so painful and hurtful that it has left you numb and on the side of life's road.

We all have a story. We all have a past. But more importantly, we all have a future. The past only has the power over you that you permit. I encourage you to give your past to God, and trust Him with your today and your tomorrow.   HIS exchange rate is second to none!

Onward, dear siblings.... onward!
Bless you!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Wonder of It All

I smiled tonight as God saw fit to see a small need and meet it. I will forever stand in awe that He sees, with such detail, specks of people as you and me --- coming to us, redeeming us, and then methodically intertwining His character and His care into the tiniest of fibers within those specks.

Amazing... absolutely amazing.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

May I Suggest....

This came a few days ago in the mail:

It always stirs a level of extra excitement in our family.

Years ago, when my children were much younger, World Vision began sending out this gift catalog in November. I recall the first time I gathered my young ones together and explained what it was.

After explaining to them the needs around the world, I asked them to take it, one at a time, to their bedroom and pray as they looked through it to see what God would have us give as a family.  It was a part of their training in hearing Him.

From the time they were tiny,  I have operated with a strong belief they possess the ability to clearly hear God for themselves..... and  have given them numerous opportunities throughout their childhood to exercise said belief.  The precious thing to me is that they never doubted their ability.

With childlike faith, they seized the catalog - I do mean seized, as in "with great enthusiasm" -- and ran upstairs to seek His voice on what we were to give.  After having individual time with the catalog in the their rooms, we joined back together to reveal what each of them heard.  I can't recall a time where their hearing didn't mesh -- perhaps there was -- but I don't recall it.  I do recall, year after year, smiling with God as their eyes lit up and they boldly proclaimed as they pointed to something in the catalog, "This..this is it!" 

Our family was talking  together the other night when this year's catalog came in the mail. We were reminiscing about all the years we have joined together to discern God's heart for our family with regard to the catalog.  I asked them, "Do you recall what we gave the very first year?"   Without a moment of hesitation, they correctly recalled what we had given.  Such experiences leave a permanent positive mark in the souls of our children when we take the time to sow the seed.

In addition to locally looking for opportunities to pour out God's love this season, I encourage you - especially if you have children --  to consider this exercise for your own family as a means to internationally give.  You and your children may not can go to Africa, China, or elsewhere,  but looking through the catalog or the website catalog will give each of you a very clear picture of the needs of others. It is so easy to give, and not only will it benefit the receiver(s), it will plant permanent seeds of God's character into the lives of your children.

Blessings to you this blessed Christmas season!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What a privilege!

It was a bit after five this morning when I began.  After a good bit of time, digging and turning from this page to that page like a starving child digging into a soup bowl, I brought my head up -- leaned it back on my chair - and looking up said, "God, growth is such a privilege!"

How does a plant, or a child, or really anything for that matter grow?  It must consume something and then convert that something into usable energy that feeds cell growth.

May I ask humbly: How is your spiritual growth these days?

Are you skipping meals?
Eating the world's junk food?

Shudder the thoughts!

A good nutritious meal takes time; time at God's table.

(And may I say from experience it also goes a long way with the Cook to say "Thank you" when the 'meal' is served, and again after it is eaten!)

Growth doesn't "just" happen, and it certainly does not happen when nutrition is ignored or forsaken.  I think now of the pictures I have seen of teenagers in third world nations who don't even look ten, stunted from malnutrition or no nutrition at all.

I implore you, dear ones, in a land where there is plenty.... choose your spiritual substance wisely.   A good nutritious meal takes time to eat and digest, but such apprehending of a gift is a privilege.  The wise know what God offers, the real elements we need to grow and then GO.  They take it with gratitude, eat it joyfully, grow strong, and GO.   

Remember, dear ones, responsibility comes with growth.

The gift of feeding from God's buffet is NOT so you can be a spiritual glutton. I dare say we could all think of a face or two, perhaps even ourselves -- yikes!, that fit this lifestyle.  They run from one "table" to another, taking a bite of this food and that food from one ministry or conference to another, rarely leaving the buffet! Sadly, their lives do not demonstrate the love or life of Christ, giving all for the sake of another.  Theirs is a selfish mission with much intake, but little to no outpouring. They easily begrudge those who ask for a share of what they have should it not line up with what they want to give, when they want to give it, how they want to give it. Such people are perhaps willing to go to the mailbox with you, but don't ask them to go a mile with you. If you only take bite after bite after bite  -- seeking to fill yourself with little to no post-eating action, all you'll end up as is a spiritual glutton. 

Spiritual food is not meant to be stored in your "fat cells."  It is meant to be converted into ENERGY..... energy that is used to fuel outpourings. 

Take an athlete.  They don't just eat anything.  They monitor what they eat. They weigh the nutritional substance against the calories.  They weigh the calories against their workout.  Eating is a very conscious, deliberate act for the sole purpose of building up the body and equipping it to perform the workout, and ultimately, tackle the demands of competition.  So too must Christians approach their spiritual eating!

I'll leave you with these three pictures, BUT  look at them as representatives of spiritual conditions.

Eating the world's junk food?
 Or perhaps not taking the time to eat from God's table?
Do you eat and eat and eat,
but rarely, if ever, leave His table?
Or do you eat and then GO,
energized and ready to share Him with others?

It's not something we like to think about, is it?  The pictures perhaps make you cringe. They may have even been a little like shock therapy.

(I truly hope you won't write me off!  I do love you.  My prayer before God is that He would always use me as a conduit between Himself and people. I love people ....even to the measure that I am willing to risk you leaving my company over offense, than to stay your friend by remaining silent.  If you ask me, there is too much incoherent noise and too much deadly silence in the world today, while real communication from the heart is sorely lacking!)

You have to know that God sees the inner 'us' first and foremost, and if we truly desire to be like Him, we have to be willing to take an honest assessment of our habits. Spiritual habits have BOTH physical and spiritual consequences.... impacting our individual life AND the lives of those surrounding us.  

Before departing, ask yourself, "What picture best represents me, spiritually speaking?" 

If it is either one of the top two, humbly may I ask: 
What are you going to do about it?

I implore you to get together with God .....He has your answer, but be prepared after eating to then GO!  It's the only way to stay spiritually healthy and growing!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Refreshing Benefits

Have you ever taken the time to lie in the floor as worship music washes over your soul? 

For me, refreshing benefits come when I lie out on the floor,  my eyes closed, my spirit quiet.

I used to resort to this activity when I was "tapped out," seeking a touch from God to refill my energy and peace.

But the revelation came to me one day, "Why wait till you're tapped out?"

My husband used to joke with me about the gas tank in my car. Up until a few months ago (actually I can tell you exactly when -- August, when school began), it was not entirely uncommon for me to run around habitually with the gas light on.

I just didn't like to be bothered with having to stop (dare I say, waste my time) at the gas station. Underneath the initial layer of annoyance at the "bother" or waste of time was the equal annoyance of the cost. It irritated me how much a tank of gas cost, so I would find myself, when I took the time to stop, only putting a little in the tank.

I had this skewed perception that my method was "adequate" (after all, I just needed a little gas to get me here and there) and justified, saving both time (at least in the moment) and my bank account.

You know where I am heading with this, don't you?

Too many of us see just how long we can go in between "refills," don't we?

By God's grace, I never ran entirely out of gas. Spiritually speaking, by God's grace, WE never run entirely out of gas either. Oh, I can hear a few of you saying, "I don't know about that!" But the fact that you are reading this indicates you are still breathing.... and so, by God's grace, still living... maybe an inch at a time, if you have allowed yourself to get down to fumes, but I'm confident you are still with us - so your breath proves my assertion!

I'm not sure why we are compelled to self-torment ourselves, trying to see how far we can go before we refill in His presence.

In our rushed lives, do we see it as a waste of time -- somewhat of a "nuisance need" -- much like I viewed taking my precious time to have to stop at the gas station? Are we filled with trepidation at what it's going to cost us?

For many, they rush in to His presence for a "few dollars worth," just enough to get the light off, before they rush off to whatever clamors loudest for their time and attention.

I learned long ago that regardless if I have "need" to lie in the floor or not ... I lie in the floor. I don't get up until the Indicator signals "F"....FULL! The benefits of staying on "F" are life changing. Instead of my old mindset from years (thankfully) long gone of "just get me through my day," I go through my days now with a mindset of "With our full tank, where can we go, God?!"

So, how about your habit? Do you see just how far you can go before taking the time to lie in the floor and fill up? Or is your habit one of rush in, get a few dollars worth, and rush out?

If it be any other habit besides the one of keeping your tank on FULL, I encourage you to take decisive steps in His presence to break the old habit and embrace the "full tank only" habit! It will change your life! 


PS: Perhaps you'll be interested to know that my spiritual habit has overflowed to become a joyful habit with regard to my car. The gas indicator in my car stays on or near the "F" these days! And instead of rushing and begrudging the gas station, I have learned to be thankful there too, as it serves to be a wonderful reminder of what He does for me every day


Thursday, November 8, 2012

A few recent additions that make me SMILE

Recent kitchen counter addition.
 At night, it is a virtual, "soft lit"firework in my kitchen.
  It's beautiful and mesmerizing. 
Resist this face?  I don't think so.
We gave him a home this week.
This one captured the entire family's attention this week.
 Handmade by one of my most beloved friends.
 This picture of the picture does not capture the detailed beauty,
but perhaps the below picture will reveal a bit more of the detail.
  It is stunning, and the fact that SHE made it makes it priceless!

Oh baby!
This was lovingly put together by a gal
 who studied at the Le Cordon Bleu Institute.
 We will have a fun time with some Macintosh apples come Thanksgiving!
Two nights ago, my husband bought and brought home
 two "constant" mug warmers for me.
 Now, I don't have to constantly reheat my coffee, tea, or hot coco!
They work  fabulously!

"Smiles are the language of love."

Have you smiled today? 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I have been offline for several days.  In truth, our internet was knocked out late Thursday evening and remained off until late Monday afternoon.  I could imply a supernatural hand in it, but I'll not go there.  Instead, I can say emphatically  I used the opportunity as it was to hunker into Him with all diligence.

Sunday, after leaving church -- after spending time corporately praying and giving thanksgiving that regardless of the pending election, God is sovereign and wholly in charge -- I was struck with Jeremiah 5:7-9, so much so that I took up my Bible in the car riding home and opened it to these words:

“Why should I pardon you?
Your sons have forsaken Me
And sworn by those who are not gods.
When I had fed them to the full,
They committed adultery
And trooped to the harlot’s house. 
 “They were well-fed lusty horses,
Each one neighing after his neighbor’s wife.
“Shall I not punish these people,” declares the Lord,
“And on a nation such as this
Shall I not avenge Myself?"

Since reading these words, I have been silent and reverent before Him. I could give Him no answer to counter His charges against our nation.  It continues to be a most reverent time in my spirit before Him.  I grieve for this land... and it is by no means solely rooted in the elections of yesterday.

I grieve because of the choices mankind has made and continues to make on a daily basis.....choices that rise up in obstinate opposition to God.  A state of delusion suffocates the land where we believe we can say one thing and live another without consequences.  If one continues to read in Jeremiah -- God continues:

"Go up through her vine rows and destroy,
But do not execute a complete destruction;
Strip away her branches,
For they are not the Lord’s.
“For the house of Israel and the house of Judah
Have dealt very treacherously with Me,” declares the Lord. 
"They have lied about the Lord
And said, “Not He;
Misfortune will not come on us,
And we will not see sword or famine."

This is God's charge concerning delusional living.  A mindset that thumbs its nose at God and declares boldly, "He won't do anything! He doesn't really even exist! We will rule ourselves!"  

I would say, "God be merciful to us" -- but in truth, short of the Cross and to no reason whatsoever within ourselves, why should He be?

We are here at this point in time.  In your own heart, you know the part you have played.  We ALL have a hand in this.  None is righteous -- no, not one.  Some in His Church fell asleep. Apathy took root and put them to sleep with a mindset "as long as it doesn't upset my plans, I don't care."   Some in His Church prostituted themselves to the world -- giving their affections and talents to whoever would take them.  Some in His Church attempted to lock themselves away in a safe bubble. They didn't want their hands or clothes to get messy from the filth of this world.  But regardless, I sense that many are groaning from deep within -- attempting with everything in them to resist panic -- saying  over and over, "God is in control -- It's okay -- God is in control."  And again -- such groanings are not wholly rooted in the election of yesterday.  Many have been saying this for a variety of "superficial reasons" -- from unemployment, to economic woes, to world wide wars -- but at the core, we know the reason; mankind senses deep within a lifting of His increasing chasm between us and His favor, His approval.

I wonder today how many see His penetrating eye that probes the heart and asks, "Why should I pardon you?"

Do you hear His heart's cry?

While He deeply desires to be Father, 
He is first and foremost and ever will be GOD.

May the heavens hear our silence today,
as God looks to and fro for our repentant hearts.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Andrew's First Attempt at a "Century"

Well, doggone.  I signed on to update my original post from this morning and somehow deleted it. Computers! Beh!  The long and short of my original post was that I took my eldest son this morning to meet with a mentor-friend.  It wasn't just "any" meet-up though; it was a meet-up to cycle... cycle one hundred miles.  After my own training for an Olympic triathlon over the past two months and counting, I have a whole new respect for his accomplishments to date. To date, he has ridden 60 miles (with the "big boys" going in excess of 30 mph!), but he has never attempted 100 miles.  I'm so proud of him for stretching himself further and further.  Between his passion, his talent, and his training, he continues to set his bar higher and higher.

Soar, son, soar!
I am SO proud of you!

Before the ride
This face says, "I am SPENT!"

Love this young man to pieces!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

True Friendship

Fair weather friends, it would seem these days, are a dime a dozen.  Too often I have sat with a lone individual who has been abandoned by both family and friend. It seems there is an epidemic of "fair weather" disease in our culture today. 

Has the well-know fact that it requires BOTH rain and sun to yield a harvest been forgotten?  I think it has.  Actually, I have enough evidence to prove that it has.

Recently I came across this online poster:

Does this cause you to flinch?  Do you think it harsh?

Question: Do you recall The Little Hen Story?

Many people want to partake in another's harvest, yet one must ask, "Where were they when the fields needed plowing? Where were they when the seeds needed planting?  Where were they when the weeds needed plucking?  Where were they in time of drought and in time of flood?"

Yet when the harvest has been brought in from the field, far more "friends" appear than were present through the long days in the field.

Have you found this to be true in your own life?  I have.  Many have.  Ergo my observation; we have an epidemic on our hands.

The Bible says, "Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?" Proverbs 20:6.

Many proclaim their Christian love towards one another, but very few walk it out in BOTH  sun and rain. 

I trust this has hit you between the eyes because frankly I grow increasingly more disgusted at the "fair weather" disease.  May we all remember God's Word, that people need faithfulness far more than they need to hear a hollow, "I love ya."   

I would be amiss in ending this pointed blog post without sending out a heartfelt "Thank You" to those in my life who have stayed strong and true through both the rainstorms and the sunshine days of my life.  YOU get God's true character.  "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13    

Real friendship.... God's idea of friendship ...  isn't about our comfort or our growth.  It's about personal faithfulness and sacrifice regardless the "weather"... regardless the convenience.... regardless the risk to our reputation..... regardless

Think about it, and  then do your part to end the disease!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Close of the Birthday Celebration

BIG yummy cake!

Victor is saying, "Oh yeah!" Celebrating with friends!
Lots of friends!

"Wait for it.....wait for it...."

Instructions being given,
"Happy birthday MUST be sung LOUDLY OUT of tune!"

Oh you should have heard the rendition; PAINFUL,
but so much FUN!
Elements such as these build fabulous memories!!

Blow 'em out, boys!

Go-Karts, anyone?

Andrew on the "slick track."  Driver must be 16.  Andrew has wanted to do this track since he was a little boy! Slip-sliding away!

And thus ends a four day birthday celebration for two incredible sons!


Monday, September 17, 2012

The Birthday Fun Continues....

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Trampoline House -- MAJOR workout for the serious jumper!

Catching some air!

And some more air!

Birthday Boy Number One!

Birthday Boy Number Two!

To be continued.... seriously.  
What can I say!?
Stay tuned!

Happy Birthday, Sons!

I have two sons born on the same day five years apart, so you can imagine birthdays are always packed with much fun and laughter!  Here is a glimpse into the beginning of our celebration: (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

 Heart shaped pancakes.
Great start to a great birthday!

"Real life" had to come in the form of  Chemistry class for the eldest two and math for my youngest.
But then, at the request of the boys,  we had lunch out at a wonderful Japanese restaurant, WARAJI ,  with Dad.
The birthday fellas!

Chopstick war!

Opening their birthday cards.


To be continued.....

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thank you, Mom...

Once a year I watch the entire series of "Anne of Green Gables,"  gifted to me by my mother. Without forethought, I seem to watch it in the autumn.  Today it seems is "Anne" day. 

As I watch it, with hands wrapped around a warm cup of coffee, my mind wanders back over the years, particularly my formative years.  I cannot help but think on all the things, both tangible and non-tangible,  my parents have gifted to me through the years. This afternoon my thoughts dwell especially on my mother, most likely because she and I share a love of "Anne."

I am grateful to my mother for so much --  from her wisdom, to her forgiveness and grace,  to the high-bar of character she placed within me at a young age, to the simple joys of movies shared.  She has been and continues to be a wondrous treasure to me.

Mom, thank you for sharing so much with me.... for walking down the road of life hand in hand with me, a fiery daughter you did not necessarily ask for .... but most of all, thank you for never giving up on me!

Love you so very much, Mom!

"Her children rise up and bless her....
a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."  
Proverbs 31

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's a New Day.....It's a New Season!

My oh my, I am loving this season .... and not just because of the lovely weather!

I had hoped to have had a restful summer, but that just didn't unfold.  Instead it was an action-packed, intense summer.

But then...... (Don't you just love "but then"s?  I DO!)

If you will recall this entry:  "Conditioning" written in July, God said to me, "He restores my soul," and went on to share Psalm 23, putting emphasis on "He leads me beside quiet waters."

Well, two months later, I do believe I have come to the quiet waters He spoke of.  No money on earth is sufficient to purchase what He has so generously and so completely poured out upon me and my family.

In the coming days, I'll begin again to share tidbits of every day life. I have missed regular blogging to be sure, but when life comes at the pace and the intensity it did over the summer, time for blogging is one of the first things to be shelved - if you know what I'm sayin'!   It was because of the pace and the intensity of the summer months that we took a very spontaneous "recovery" vacation in August before school began! (See pictures HERE.)  So thankful God, with His ease, gifted us with the time away!

So I hope you will stay tuned and rejoin me back here from time to time.  Great things are already on the calendar, and I can hardly wait to share them!

Until next time, may you have a most blessed day!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fabulous Vacation!

I have just arrived home... well, yesterday.... from a fabulous vacation. We were away from cell coverage and internet..... and we survived! Imagine that! Actually -- and truthfully -- we did more than survive; we thrived! It was a grand time of adventure... of laughs... of rest and relaxation.....of memories built.  Here are a few pictures of our time together!

(Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

I love tunnels!

It was a staring contest!  He won.
Havin' fun and sharin' some love! ♥

Yes, that is a crab beside my husband.  It was HUGE!

Covered bridge built in the 1800s. It was neat to drive across it.

An afternoon of shopping and hanging out.

Wild turkeys catching some rays of sunshine.

"GPS wisdom" landed us on a logging road.  Yes, it used to be a road, but is no more!

More GPS wisdom.

Four-wheelin', off-road FUN!

Four-wheelin', off-road FUN!

Andrew zip-lining.

Victor coming in for a landing.

Amber coming in for a landing.
Brian heading out.
Away I go!  Weeee!

No height too high!

Breath-taking views! Yes, this was taken with our camera!                        Can you say "tip-top?"

Class 3 and 4 rapids!  Our guide was excellent.  He kept us safe, but with MUCH adventure!

Use those muscles!

I just love all those smiles! Great time had by all!

And that's a wrap.... for now!