Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Crossed the Finish Line!

I officially crossed my "Finish Line" last night -- nine months and three days in the making.

Yesterday was an absolute flurry of action ---- and the climax came when I signed the approval for going to press, faxing it back at 7:45 pm.

The "baby" has been born!

I'll have her, "Beyond the Greenhouse," in my hands Tuesday... and you can be assured I will be posting a picture with me holding her!

Now to being my recovery. Oh just the word, "recover", brings such elation! I must say I slept like a brick last night. The world coming to an end probably would not have woken me up! I just need a few more nights of rest like last night and my battery will be fully charged.

I so appreciate the ability to share my news with you! It is the act of sharing that deepens my joy, so thank you for being there!

May the Lord bring forth much fruit from this labor of love and obedience!

Have a most blessed, restful weekend! I know I will!
Giving my God all the glory, honor, and praise!

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