To be sure, I will be sharing sooner rather than later all the happenings! It's going to be a good year... and even beyond "good"... a fabulous one so long as all those involved continue to give Him their full attention, study, and heart! Diligence is a grand thing and leads to countless blessings!
At the top of the blessing stack are the tremendous doors God is opening for me to share Him with the masses. Years ago, "speaking" was spoken over me, but I did not see myself as a speaker. But you know, I never saw myself as a writer either, but I am one. ;o)
I have long believed that when He calls a person to do a thing, He equips them to do it. Moses was called to lead, but he certainly didn't see himself as a leader at the time of his calling. He was equipped and trained by the One who created him for exactly such a purpose. There are numerous examples in the Word of people being called to do a thing way beyond what they perceived to be doable. But that is -- after all -- the point. There is no greater thrill than to participate in something you know you can't possibly do of your own accord, but then be enabled to do through the touch of God. Nothing compares with such a feeling. Nothing.
For me, the wilder the challenge, the better. I crave life on the edge... no, beyond the edge of my abilities... because only then do I really see God in the scope of His glory. Truly, what a Body He would have if we all dared to follow Him beyond the edge of our abilities. He has never let me fall.... and He never will. Beyond the edge is where one walks on water. It is a thrill like none other.
The key point is to accept what God speaks as being one's reality.... sight unseen. I'll remind you that is called "faith" --- a very necessary and pivotal point in a Christian's life.
Recently someone asked me an interesting question having to do with my faith walk. "How can you know where God is leading you if you are so detached from (the world)." Actually this question has come up before, and I am sure others have thought it, but just not spoken it out loud. You see, we don't have TV, rarely listen to the radio, don't subscribe to magazines, and only take the Sunday paper for the few coupons I clip. (Literally we toss the paper out 99% of the time without opening the first page.) But you know, I wouldn't have it any other way.
One day, I am going to leave this world behind and spend eternity with God. "Why wait?" is what I say. I love spending my days with Him; considering Him, talking to Him, listening to Him, sharing the reality of Him with others. This world has so many pointless distractions that not only seek to drown Him out, but succeed with many to do just that!
I sincerely know --- not just believe -- but know that when I am tuned in to Him... He is all I have need of to keep me exactly where I need to be, when I need to be there, doing exactly what He wants me to be doing. I don't need 'signs' to read or the rapid fire of current events as interpreted by man coming at me from all angels. To me, it isn't sticking my head in the sand when I focus my waking energy on the One who controls everything. If I have a need to know something, I have found He is highly efficient at telling me exactly what I need to know.
We humans use all manner of reasoning to support our way of life .... the whys as to what, when, and how we function and the choices we make throughout our day. But let me ask you: How would YOUR life change now if you began living it like you stepped into eternity? What would fade away as pointless? And better yet, who would take center stage not just in thought... but in heart and action?
The natural progression is that our thoughts impact our actions. The difficulty is too many of our "God-thoughts" are put off because we perceive we are not in eternity ...yet. As such we are quick to replace our God-thoughts with flesh thoughts. We go from pondering God to "what's for lunch?" or the thought of reading His Word to "What time is it? My show is coming on" in a skinny minute.
Don't mishear me. Certainly we are to eat, and there are things to be enjoyed, but those things are not to displace Him and take priority over Him to the point we delay or do not invest at all in substance of concern to Him.
I challenge you today to begin arresting your God-thoughts into immediate action. Don't let them zoom on by! Those thoughts are tomorrow's harvest seed. Determine to catch them from the world's wind that seeks to whisk them away. And then be found planting them by following through the Godly action point!
So permit me to ask again....
How would YOUR life change now if you began living it like you stepped into eternity?
What would fade away as pointless?
Better yet, who would take center stage not just in thought..
but in heart and action?
What would fade away as pointless?
Better yet, who would take center stage not just in thought..
but in heart and action?
Just something for you to ponder as you step into February tomorrow.....
Loving you!
I so needed to hear these words...thanks!