Thursday, September 21, 2017



This is such a foreign concept to me, but as I am well into middle age, it is a concept that I am witnessing more and more from my contemporaries, whether it be in actual word or observable deed.

Other terms with the same concept, but with overtones of "icing" to make them sound  a tad better:




Now, don't get me wrong. None of these things are inherently wrong, BUT the rub is when such terms are used in the context of "cloaked surrender"... a giving up on life, if you will.

Lately, when I have heard them, they are most certainly in the context of surrender... a resignation that things just are as they are and always will be as they are.

That's NOT okay.

2 Timothy 1:7:   "For God did NOT give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), BUT (He gave us a spirit) of POWER and of LOVE and of CALM and WELL-BALANCED MIND and DISCIPLINE and SELF-CONTROL."

Take a moment and re-read that verse.  Really meditate on those words in all caps.

I'm not talking about taking these words and applying them to everything and everyone NOT you.

I'm asking that you take them and apply them to only YOU, as if you were in a vacuum.

Does your INTERNAL life reflect those attributes.... or have you just given in to your flesh to go and do as it FATALLY chooses to go and do?

I have long sense held myself to a particular standard based SOLELY upon a deep understanding of stewardship.   I AM going to give an account for HOW (ie rooted in courage or fear; faith or doubt) I made my decisions, AND what I did with my mind, with my time, with my resources, with my witness (hello!), and with my body.

No one gets a pass on this judgement time before God.  Make no mistake, that point in time WILL come with absolute certainty.

That keeps me sober.  Plain and simple.

I have tremendous respect for God, and while I do not look to my actions to save me (ie: as in the incorrect theology of a works based salvation).... I do believe in the very foundation of stewardship as divinely set and commanded into being by God Himself dating to the beginning of time itself with Adam.

Paul wrote in I Corinthians 9:25, "Every athlete who goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts HIMSELF in ALL things."

Note, it does NOT say "....restricts his/her kids, his/her wife/husband, his/her co-workers, his/her friends..... it says HIMSELF/HERSELF.  Get your eyes OFF everyone else and ON you!

One of the very first lessons I taught my children when they were very young is to say "NO" to THEMSELVES.  If they heard me say it once, they heard me say it literally a thousand times growing up.

"You must learn to say 'no' to yourself."

The world almost audibly gasps at this concept.

But God clearly commands, "....deny yourself, pick up YOUR cross daily, and follow Me."

It's the very foundation of stewardship.

Too many relish in all the liberties/freedoms of Christianity so called protected under the covering of God's grace and love.  But we need to remind ourselves STERNLY of Paul's words, "I have the right to do anything, so you say -- but not everything is beneficial.  I have the right to do anything, but not everything is constructive."

In a day and age where so many are simply settling into the flesh's cravings, their health is going to pot from the junk they put into their bodies, their mind is going to pot from the consumption of all things garbage and unholy, and as a result, their spirit is growing darker and darker... and their spiritual ears are deafening more and more... by the day.

I am fairly certainly this has been a hard read for a number of you, but just as Paul had to say the hard thing in his day, I am sternly reminding us all that the words he spoke nearly 2000 years ago to the Corinthian church, APPLY TODAY.

Whether you heed them or not is a matter between you and God, but I fervently pray you embrace with sobering understanding you WILL give an account for rather you settled....dare I say GAVE IN and GAVE UP.... in this life; or you, by HIS power that is WITHIN you, rose above... conquered... and took dominion.... just as HE commanded you to do.

 The choice is yours.

Again, I edify you... choose wisely.

♡ Godspeed ♡

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