Thursday, March 22, 2018

Happy TEN Years to JITM; Change is Afoot!

Just when the anticipation of life elements slowing a bit, they speed up.  The past few months have been a launch pad of sorts in several areas of life.

My two eldest are launching wholly into adulthood. There really are no words for such an experience.  There is a lot that goes into the final launch though, from the simplicity of changing car insurance policies to thinking through the complexity of where they are going to set up their next nest. And as if my two eldest don't have my head spinning rapidly enough these days, my youngest is a rising junior and will begin taking college classes in the fall. Unreal are these days before us, but suffice to say, I am one more proud mama..... and the fact that I am happy and sane is a sizable blessing in my book.

My secular job as Director of Human Resources continues to both bless and challenge me.  It is a demanding and heavy load to be certain, but all things considered, I have borne up under the weight, both carrying it and growing through it. The fact that the role was ever entrusted to me is both tremendously humbling and tremendously edifying. With God, I will carry it across the finish line with a rather large smile upon both my heart and my countenance!  No doubt what I have exercised and developed will be applied to my next chapter, coming soon!

As for Joy In The Morning, God is no doubt on the move.... where to He is certain and fixed. Since 2018 has begun, it is altogether clear that He is re-staking the ground and giving the command to press forward. In January, JITM quietly celebrated its 10th birthday. Right on that heel, at the beginning of February, I received word that the host/server company would no longer support small businesses as of the end of February....or March at the very latest, meaning I was tasked with finding a new home for the website and blog. No small task in a normal time frame!  But where I felt blindsided, GOD KNEW; He always knows! At the end of February, I had an acquaintance step forward and say he could both host the website on his server, move it over, and revamp the website. Once again, blindsided.... but this time, in a good way.... a very good way!  When I asked him what he needed from me, his reply was, "Not a thing; 'William Doolittle' at your service."  There are NO WORDS to express my amazement, my gratitude, and my serious exhale at God sending this "angel with skin on" to me at the PERFECT time, SO "in due season"!  So, bless him; he has spent this month setting up the host server, as well as everything else (that I absolutely know very little about) that goes into moving an entire website and blog over to its new home. So,  be on the look out for JITM's facelift... coming soon!

"Coming soon" is God's theme for me, my family, and JITM.  Here's to change all the way around, from every possible angle, at both God's beckoning and command!

Aye, aye,  Captain.... lead on..... WE WILL FOLLOW....

With Him, for Him, in Him,



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