Perhaps you have not ever heard of the 'flag of convenience'. It's a fascinating term that defines a shady business practice among ship yards. Simply put, it is where a ship owner may register a ship in a ship register of a country other than the country of the owner. These registers are called open registries. This shady practice then allows a ship to fly a flag of a country that, let's say, upholds lesser values, lesser regulations, and demands less tariffs. The practice is, as you imagined it, viewed as contentious. Typically substandard working conditions are present, as well as they pose environmental hazards due to rules and regulations being routinely skirted.
I want to challenge each of you today to look upon the relationships in your life.
How many of them are marked with a flag of convenience instead of a Kingdom of God flag?
I not only see, but have experienced, the damage when someone I trusted CHOSE to fly a flag of convenience, forsaking Kingdom values for the lesser substandard.
I get it. I truly do. I, like you, am human, and I know the challenge of seeking God's Kingdom and His ways as my solo path. But as difficult of a path as that often times is in this tempting, baiting world, the fallout and utter pain when we choose to switch our flags even but for a moment is extensive and excruciating; particularly to families as the devastation most certainly extends far beyond just a moment.
For the sake of those around you, if you claim Kingdom of God citizenship, BURN every single last flag of convenience!
For the love of all that is holy and right, raise your Kingdom flag and make certain ....using ONLY God's Word as your navigator (ie: forsaking your emotions and what 'seems' right) .... set you conduct in all your relationships to God's high and holy standards. It's the only correct choice for a true citizen of God's Kingdom!
It is difficult! I begin everyday with God's Flag but once the day moves on, more and more "things" claw at the pole to bring it down. Sometimes the clawing wins and I begin again the next morning. I guess that is the keep trying! Thy will be done, not my will!!