Saturday, November 13, 2010

"It is well."

I was awake this morning before 5:00 am and finally gave in to the early wake up call, rolling out of the bed and meandering downstairs. I confess I took my pillow and a blanket in the hopes sleep would fall upon me again.
It didn't happen.

As soon as I walked into the room, His Word was there before me. Within minutes I was reading in 2 Kings of Elisha and the Shunammite woman. A couple of key phrases popped off the page at me.

"..... that I may run to the man of God...."


"It is well."

If you have a bit of time, I encourage you to read the account in 2Kings 4.

Already God was speaking volumes to me. Then -- having my laptop on, ever ready to make journal entries -- I came upon a web page of an apparent Christian sister. Let's call her Suzy Cue. Suzy Cue's web page was filled with all things "warm and fuzzy," and that's great if you happen to have lived and are living such a life.

In contrast, I have lived my life, by and large, in the trenches. Still to this day, life is not what I would call "warm and fuzzy." Storms and pain are a routine part of my world. And while I may not know what smooth sailing is about, I do know intimately how to traverse ridiculously rough storms. I may not necessarily like that I possess such knowledge. And yes, I am tempted to be a tad on the green side of Suzy Cue, but if life has taught me anything it is that my life is not my own. My life belongs to God, and He can do and shape whatever He wants to within it for His purposes. As one of my recent favorite songs says, "I bow to You." (Follow link if you care to hear it.)

Furthermore, 'smooth sailing' never fully teaches a person what a incredible gift we have been given in that we no longer have to "run to the man of God" as the Shunammite woman did. No, I am blessed with the privilege of running to God Himself. And not only am I blessed with sitting with Almighty God... my Abba... my King... my Helper at 5:00 in the morning, but I get to hear His voice. I will NEVER stop reminding myself just how incredible that is! His voice is my lifeline. There is nothing like it.... nothing. And the day I think hearing God's voice is ordinary, mundane, or a causal entitlement is the day I will have lost ALL proper perspective and grounding.

No. Perhaps I may never know what smooth sailing is all about, but I wouldn't trade my deep roots to find out...
and I mean that.

The Shunammite woman reported, "It is well," even though her only son had died.

How does this happen? Deep roots -- that's how. Let's just be real a moment... sometimes life just bites... and it bites HARD. But truth is, depending on what kind of plant one is, for roots to go deep -- they have to hit rocks once in a while... they have to endure droughts ... they have to pass through hard soil.

I'm a deep root tree. A few weeks ago, I was given a compliment I am still meditating on, "You're an oak." I don't live on the surface. I don't talk "surface" talk. I can't. I can't recall what life was like at the surface, much less talk frivolity. Depth happens because storms happen, and since I don't control the storms... I have but one choice when they hit... grip the ground and press down.

As much as perhaps Suzy Cue's life is tempting if I had the choice, I appreciate my purpose over my comfort. My prayer --- my absolute prayer -- is that God will use me in increasing measure to stand by others when storms hit and to share the "how to" of not just storm survival
.... but

This week there arrived in the mail a necklace. It was a precious gift--a priceless gift -- from a sibling in Christ. I was tempted to take a picture of it and share it, but there is a deep sense of intimacy about it right now that I dare not violate. It is of a huge tree, showing both large branches above and deep roots below. In the background is a huge rendering of the sun (aka to me: the Son). Along with the gift there came a precious statement that included the following verse:

Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
"This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

Yes, Lord, it is well ... it is well...


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